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Letter to the Editor

Adopt a Position of Common Sense

David Kaupanger, Council, Idaho
February 19, 2025

The Idaho Republican voters have been appalled for a long time about the RINO’s (republican in name only) causing modern day liberalism to creep into our state government. A one party system in any government always causes this sort of duplicity. We need both parties to keep them honest and balance each other out.

The reason this came to be is that the Democrats who are pragmatic realized that it is much easier to be elected in Idaho to run as a Republican. Hence you have RINO’s causing contentious discord in state government and two supposedly Republican Senators sent to Washington DC who vote with Democrats on big spending bills.

I believe that there are very few Democrats in our little valley that go along with the lunatic actions of the Democrats in states that border the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. I make the suggestion here to all of you that you reject the far left craziness and adopt a position of common sense. For example, rejection of gun control in Idaho is key, and a less radical approach to abortion. By the way, the phrase: ‘my body my choice’ is wrong. A woman’s DNA is not the same DNA as the developing fetus in her womb. If the Democratic Party of Idaho adopts a more centrist stand on issues we may end up with a more balanced political system, and I believe the Democrats in this county, if they work at it, can be the catalyst for needed change in our state.

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